Hi guys, I recently developed my product and I’m having difficulty starting a team to sell it. Does anyone have any tips on how to recruit sales reps? Where can I find independent reps?
Are you out there selling your product yet? You need to be able to sell the prospective reps on it if you want them to come on board.
Hi @elizabeth. Congrats on your new product! I would recommend going to trade shows. They are a great networking opportunity. It’s a good place to introduce your product and connect with other reps. I’ve met many prospect and representatives at these events.
@shosie no I haven’t yet, it’s all pretty new still. At this point, I am just trying to figure out how to begin the process but that’s a very important point you made!
@suzym That sounds great! I’ll definitely make sure to check out the trade shows, I don’t know why I hadn’t thought of it. Thanks!
As an independent sales rep I would recommend checking out services like RepHunter.net or RepRight.com. I’ve used them before and they’ve matched me up with various wholesalers, manufacturers, and distributors in need of reps.
Have you considered using social media platforms such as LinkedIn? I would recommend joining groups or doing quick searches. Maybe someone you know or a mutual connection can be able to help you.
Apart from using social media and matching services, you can offer the position on online job search sites. Additionally, if you are already working with some sales reps, asking them for referrals is the best strategy, because apart from finding reliable reps, you make sure they are a good fit for your team.