Advice on sales calls

I recently got my first set of leads for the pharma company I’m working for. Super excited, but kind of nervous at the same time because I don’t know what impression I might leave on the prospects. Is there any advice on how not to be nervous on my first few calls and meetings and start off on the right foot?

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Hi @davewane, congrats on your first set of leads!

I think one of the biggest parts of not being nervous anymore in meetings is just practice. There will always be bad sales days, so instead of stressing out over them, take a step back and think of what might have gone wrong and how you can fix it.

Also, ask some senior sales reps on your team if they’re willing to bring you in some of their meetings. You can see how they talk with their clients and take notes on what clients respond well to.

But one of the most important things to remember is that you have to stay true to yourself, even though that sounds super cliche. Say and do things that you are comfortable with, so your meetings are more natural for you and your prospects. Good luck!


I agree with @salesshark. Something I did when i just stared at my company was find a mentor. Though it could be intimidating to ask a more experienced sales rep to be your mentor, i promise it is so, so beneficial. My mentor was basically my safe space, where I could ask questions and get advice and make mistakes. He would go through fake sales calls with me too so I can practice before meeting with clients. i definitely credit my mentor to helping me become strong in the beginning of my career.

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Thanks @salesshark and @aj753. Any advice on how I can ask older sales reps to be my mentor?

I agree–all sales reps should stay true to their values and beliefs. That also means your mentor needs to share your deeper values. Otherwise, their advice will come from who he or she is and you may come across artificial. Remember, their advice is usually based on how others react to their specific personality and not yours. It is up to you to filter through the advice you receive. Does it feel natural or does it feel unusually awkward?

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Hey Dave! Bit late to the discussion, but I’m a pharma sales rep and I’ve found that physicians’ schedules keep getting tighter and few have extra time for questions or a lot of small talk. A big advice is to not waste time asking questions that can be easily found in your CRM or with a bit of research. I always familiarize myself with their pain points before going in so I can start off by summarizing their situation (most are pleasantly surprised that I care so much), then follow up with actionable suggestions. It also helps to be specific so you come off as more of a consultant than a sales person. Last thing, I used to bring lots of brochures/pamphlets with me to meetings but the approach has been going stale. Now I just carry around my tablet and pull up visuals/videos/data and its so much more convenient, and I think makes for a way more memorable sale. Hope these tips are helpful!

Hi @davewane! I’d like to bring the conversation back to finding a mentor as @salesshark and @aj753 mentioned. As a territory manager at my company, we have a mentorship program set in place for new hires. After just a few years of implementing the program, my company has seen a higher retention rate of new sales reps, faster onboarding, and a more close-knit company culture. If your pharmaceutical company doesn’t have a formal program, I can still suggest a few things that may help. First, try to form natural relationships with junior employees. Find someone with common career goals, personality, or hobbies. Try to meet at least once a week with your mentor, over lunch or coffee. I hope this advice helps you in your new role, David!