Category Topics

Sales Discussion

Ask questions about all things sales, find answers and tips from your peers, and share your own best practices from the field.

Tips for using Badger

Share your tips and tricks on how you get the most out of the Badger Map and how you use it to get more done in the field.


Connect with other Field Salespeople and discover new opportunities!

Ask Badger's CEO

Ask Badger’s CEO Steven Benson anything you’ve always wanted to know - from sales tips to how he started Badger!

Job Board

Looking for a job or hiring in Field Sales? Post your job opening here and discover new opportunities. Connect with top talent and great companies from the Badger community!

Site Feedback

Discussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.

Outside Sales

Ask questions and share your tips & tricks on outside sales.

Territory Management

Share your tips and best practices and ask questions about how to best manage your sales territory!

Sales Resources

Learning new skills is key to advancing your sales career! Share your favorite sales resources with our community to keep growing as a sales professional.

Career Advice

Many salespeople are trying to take the next step on their careers. Share with the community your advice on career development for salespeople and learn from other people’s experiences!

Sales Motivation

Need an extra boost of motivation? Share your motivation best hacks with other salespeople and keep it up!